2  Syllabus


June 10, 2024

This site provides some further information on the objectives and syllabus/organization of the course.

Course Date: August 25, 2024 (9am-12:30pm, Berlin)

Course Objectives

Attendees of this advanced methods couse will learn how to implement transparent and reproducible workflows across the real-world evidence study lifecycle.

flowchart TB
A(Design stage) --> B
B(Analysis execution stage) --> C
C(Reporting stage)
Figure 2.1: RWE study liefcycle.
  • Design stage: Incorporate reproducible reporting of key study parameters at a study design and planning stage using the HARPER protocol

  • Analysis stage: Version control and share analytic code at the analysis and execution stage of the study using git and Github

  • Reporting stage: Use literate programming by combining narrative language, analytic code and study results for transparent and reproducible study reporting


In this practical hands-on course, we introduce resources and tools needed for the transparent and reproducible conduct of RWE studies following FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reproducible) principles.

Table 2.1: Detailed course timetable
Time Topic Instructor Description
9:00am - 9:15am Welcome and introduction Janick Weberpals Overview of course contents and introduction to the topic of (computational) reproducibility and use cases
9:15am - 9:35am DESIGN STAGE Shirley V. Wang A harmonized protocol template to enhance reproducibility of hypothesis evaluating real-world evidence studies on treatment effects (HARPER protocol)
9:35am - 10:15am ANALYSIS STAGE Anna Schultze Introduction to the Git distributed version control system and remote repositories (e.g., GitHub) to track changes, collaborate, disseminate and archive analytic source code through dedicated project repositories that maintain a complete audit trail of all relevant study documents including code lists
10:15am - 10:30am INTERACTIVE WORKSHOP (introduction and setup) John Tazare Introduction to interactive case study for part in which every course participant can try git hands-on (note: this is agnostic to any statistical software language => bring your own programming software)
10:30am - 10:50am COFFEE BREAK - Participants will have the chance to install git and GitHub Desktop and download the case study data in case they haven't done so already
10:50am - 11:50am INTERACTIVE WORKSHOP John Tazare (Anna Schultze, Janick Weberpals) Together with instructors, the course participants will run part of an example case study using simulated data. This part will cover both the Github Desktop (GUI) and command line (attendants can choose)
11:50am - 12:25pm REPORTING STAGE Janick Weberpals Introduction and examples of literate programming using the Quarto technical reporting system
12:25pm - 12:30pm COURSE CONCLUSION Janick Weberpals Future direction and trends & resources for where to go to learn more
Total (hours) NA NA NA